Individual Giving

You are an important part of our story

Sitting in the audience for opening night of a Broadway blockbuster, feeling the buzz of anticipation in the Cobb Great Hall. Standing in the lobby, waiting to cheer for a child who just stepped onstage for the first time. Leaping to your feet to offer a standing ovation to a brilliant musician.

If you’ve had these experiences, you’ve felt the power of the arts and want others to have the opportunity to feel it too. Whether you show your support by giving one child the opportunity to see their first live performance or you establish an endowment fund to ensure the longevity of our educational programs, your generosity helps bring the arts to life, making them accessible to everyone.

Circle Donor

Become a Circle Donor

Jackson Donor Lounge

Circle donors are invited to attend the Jackson Donor Lounge

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Arts Within Reach

Supporting children, families and accessability at Wharton Center. 

Seat Campaign

Name a seat plate to support Capital Improvements


Create a named endowment or leave an estate gift

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