Junie B. Jones (SFP)
Sensory-Friendly Performance
Junie B. Jones (SFP)
Sensory-Friendly Performance
This supportive and welcoming Act One Family performance is specifically tailored for people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), developmental disabilities, sensory processing disorder (SPD), those with other issues, and their families. More information about Sensory-Friendly Performances
Recommended for ages 5-11
Hurray, hurray! Junie B. Jones is graduating from kindergarten and ready for first grade at last! But getting used to new friends, a new teacher, and new glasses is challenging, even for the irrepressible Junie B. Follow her adventures as she adapts to first grade, dreams of being the boss of lunch, and creates a kickball half-time show. Junie B. ALWAYS writes everything down in her “top-secret personal beeswax” journal, which gives us the inside peek into her world. Spark your child’s interest in reading with this musical based on stories from the popular books written by Barbara Park.
This series is made possible in part by Granger; Jackson National Life Insurance Company; Piper & Gold Public Relations; and SuttonAdvisors, PLC; with additional support from Arts Midwest Touring Fund, a program of Arts Midwest that is funded by the National Endowment for the Arts, with additional contributions from Michigan Council for Arts and Cultural Affairs and the Crane Group.
Sensory-Friendly Performances are sponsored by Delta Dental of Michigan with additional support provided by the AF Group; Michigan Council for Arts and Cultural Affairs; Michigan Department of Education Office of Special Education; National Endowment for the Arts; MSU Office for Inclusion and Intercultural Initiatives; and MSU University of Outreach and Engagement.
Program, Social Narrative and Character Cards