We offer many accessibility services to ensure your experience at Wharton Center is an enjoyable one.
Please alert the Ticket Office when requesting any of the following services with your ticket order. If you have any questions about the services listed below call us at (517) 884-3116.

Parking and Elevators
For select performances, parking spots in ramp 3, closest to the building on level 2, will now be marked/coned off for additional disability parking. The east side of level 2, closest to IM, will be restricted only to those who have a disability permit/disability need or a donor permit. Patrons who don’t meet that criteria will be directed to floors 3 and above.
Please note, the elevators in the parking ramp adjacent to Wharton Center (Ramp 3) are currently under repair. Patrons with mobility concerns should plan to park on or be dropped off on the second floor of the ramp to avoid any stairs.